*Using this environment keeps both your data and patient data protected and is suggested for Chromebook use of any Microsoft Office product issued by Legacy Healthcare Services*
Getting started with Office Web Apps:
Go to www.office.com and click “Sign In”. Sign in using your Legacyinc.com login credentials. (example@legacyinc.com).
Opening attached files from Outlook (Legacy Webmail):
If you receive an email with an attachment and it is a Word or Excel document, to open it using the web apps follow these instructions:
1. Go to your webmail by logging onto the intranet and clicking Webmail (or navigate to webmail.legacyinc.com and log in).
2. Navigate to the email that has the file you need to edit.
3. Click the little arrow (the down arrow shaded in the photo below) on the attached filename and click “Save to OneDrive”. (See below) You can also click “Edit in Browser” to go begin directly editing in Excel Web or can use the “Preview” function to pull up a preview of the file.4. The attachment is now saved to your OneDrive, where you can access it and edit it with the Office Web apps. Navigate to your OneDrive folder by clicking the apps icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen, (3x3 grid)
5. Once you have OneDrive open, you will see a folder called “Attachments”. Open that up, and you will see your document. Then click on the document and it will open in Excel web app (See photo)
From clicking on the file, you should be able to open the document in the appropriate Office web apps program, as well as edit it. The Office web apps will save your document as you type, and it will sync to your OneDrive automatically.
Creating and saving new documents using Office 365 web apps:
1. To create a new document in an Office web app, go to www.office.com, and click “Sign In”. Sign in using your Legacyinc.com login credentials (example@legacyinc.com). *All changes are saved automatically to the OneDrive signed in*
2. Once the site below opens in the browser, click on “New blank document”. (See below)
3. Once you click on “New blank document”, choose which type of document you would like to create (see below):
4. To rename this document, click next to where it says “– Saved” at the top of the screen (If this is a new document, you will see “Document”.) To rename the file, click and rename your file what you want to name it. (See below).
5. You can also organize and choose locations for your files by clicking the “ | > | “ next to the “Location” area in the above photo. This is located underneath where you rename the file. Opening this allows you to create new folders by right clicking and selecting new folder, and otherwise organize where you save your new documents (See below) *All changes are saved automatically to the OneDrive signed in*
Managing folders in your OneDrive to organize data:
While everything syncs to your OneDrive automatically, you may find that you would like to create folders and sub-folders to organize all your data. The following steps will show you how to create and manipulate your data in OneDrive.
1. Go to your apps icon (3x3 grid top left corner), and click on OneDrive.
2. Once in your OneDrive, Select the arrow next to “New” and click Folder. You will then be prompted to create a name for this folder. Create the name and the folder will appear in your OneDrive. (See Below)
3. To move files to your new
folder, simply drag and drop the files into your new folder. (See below)